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http://www.100md.com 2018年3月1日 《中国美容医学》 2018年第5期


    [中图分类号]R782.12 [文献标志码]B [文章编号]1008-6455(2018)05-0103-03

    Clinical Application of Ball Cap Attachment Implant Supported Overdenture in the Treatment of Moderate and Severe Atrophic Edentulous Jaws
, 百拇医药
    HE Kong-yan, CHEN Yan, LIU Cong-cong,CHENG Ting-ting,ZHENG Min

    (Department of Stomatology, Mindong Hospital Affiliated of Fujian Medical University, Fuan 355000, FuJian,China)

    Abstract:Objective To investigate the clinical effects of XIVE implant system with ball cap attachments and overdenture in the treatment of moderate and severe atrophic mandibular edentulous jaws. Methods For 12 edentulous patients with moderate and severe alveolar bone recession, 2-4 implants were implanted in the anterior teeth, and the overdenture was made by the attachment of the XIVE ball cap attachment. The effects of implant and overdenture repair were evaluated at 1, 3, 6, 12 months after the completion of the restoration. Results 12 cases of bcriso repair after 12 months observation, all implants were successfully healed, with beautiful, comfortable and stable denture. The articulation and mastication ability of the denture were improved obviously, the facial features were improved obviously, and the patients weresatisfied. Conclusion The implant supported overdenture with XIVE ball cap attachments can achieve satisfactory results in the repair of edentulous patients with moderate or severe atrophic mandibular alveolar bone.
, 百拇医药
    Key words: implants; ball cap attachments; overdenture; moderate and severe atrophy; edentulous jaw

    对于下颌牙槽嵴中重度萎缩的无牙颌患者, 在使用传统的全口义齿修复时, 常常存在义齿固位不良、稳定性差、咀嚼效率低等问题而难以取得令人满意的临床效果。实验及临床研究已证实对该类患者采用种植覆盖义齿修复是有效和成功的,大多数学者普遍认为对于此类患者进行种植覆盖义齿修复的成功率很高[1]。本文对12例下颌牙槽嵴中重度萎缩的无牙颌患者采用球帽附着体种植覆盖义齿进行修复,共植入种植体28颗,修复完成后临床随访1年以上效果满意,现报道如下。

    1 材料和方法

    1.1 病例选择:选择2014年12月-2016年12月就诊于笔者科室的12例患者为研究对象,其中女5例,男7例,年龄56~75岁,平均为66岁。12例患者均为下颌无牙颌中重度萎缩且具有多年下颌活动义齿佩戴史或以部分天然牙作为基牙的固定修复义齿。原义齿上颌固位尚好,均因对原下颌义齿固位、咀嚼功能等多方面功能不满意而就诊。12例患者经术前检查其上下颌骨的位置关系基本协调,存在种植手术适应证,排除种植手术禁忌证。

    1.2 材料:种植体采用XIVE种植体系统及其球基台附着体系统 (XIVE种植体,直径3.8mm,长度11~13mm,登士柏西诺德,美国);球帽基台(XIVE种植系统,直径3.8mm,高2~3mm,登士柏西诺德,美国);球帽附着体(XIVE种植系统,登士柏西诺德,美国)。, 百拇医药(何孔炎 陈艳 刘聪聪 程婷婷 郑敏)
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