当前位置: 首页 > 医疗版 > 疾病专题 > 耳鼻喉科 > 耳疾病 > 中耳疾病 > 颅外并发症
http://www.100md.com 2018年3月15日 《中国美容医学》 2018年第6期


    [中图分类号]R622 [文献标志码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2018)06-0031-04

    Abstract: Objective To investigate the effect and prognosis of collagen protein for the treatment of complications after hyaluronic acid injection in lacrimal palpebral sulcus depression patients. Methods From June 2015 to June 2017, a total of 12 patients with complications including malar edema, pouch aggravation, Tyndall effect and stripe shaped protuberance post HA injection for the treatment of lacrimal palpebral sulcus depression. Collagen protein was chosen to repair the complications after hyaluronidase dissolved part of HA. The observations on improvements of tear trough deformity, complications from HA and the “dark circles” were executed before and after the treatment. Results Collagen protein injection resulted in improvement on the complications such as malar edema、tyndall effect and tear trough deformity. We found significant improvement on the “dark circles” beyond expectation. All patients reported cosmetic satisfaction. No severe adverse event was recorded. Conclusion This case series confirmed the effective use of collagen protein in correction for the complication post tear trough HA injection. It resulted in excellent patient satisfaction, minimal complications, and amelioration on the “dark circles”. It is worthy spreading.
, 百拇医药
    Key words: depressions of lacrimal palpebral sulcus; collagen protein; hyaluronic acid(HA); dark circle; tyndall effect

    目前淚睑沟矫治最常用的方法是使用可吸收降解的皮肤填充剂注射治疗,使用最广泛的填充剂是透明质酸,其是一种安全有效的吸水性填充材料,具有损伤小,易于塑形,副作用少,治疗泪睑沟效果理想等优势。但临床应用过程中发现注射透明质酸的患者术后1个月或数月后注射部位可出现水肿,下睑袋加重,甚至产生丁达尔现象(Tyndall effect)引起的淡蓝色印记,以及微笑时由于肌肉的挤压产生条索状隆起等现象。而胶原蛋白填充剂作为一种新型的抗衰老美容填充材料,能促进自身合成胶原蛋白,也能起到矫形作用[1],逐渐被应用于填充皱纹和容量缺损等治疗中。2015年6月-2017年6月共收集泪睑沟注射透明质酸后产生上述并发症的患者12例,对其进行胶原蛋白替代治疗,观察其效果。
, http://www.100md.com
    1 临床资料


    2 治疗方法

    2.1 术前准备:清洁面部后行表面麻醉处理,在注射区外敷复方利多卡因乳膏(北京紫光制药有限公司)20min,注意眼部黏膜不被沾染。

    2.2 溶解透明质酸:注射透明质酸溶解酶溶解填充过多的透明质酸,使用5ml生理盐水溶解1 500U注射用玻璃酸酶(上海第一生化药业有限公司),配制成300U/ml溶液。注射前先行皮试,取配置好的溶液在患者前臂内侧皮内注射约0.02ml,如5min内出现具有伪足的疹块,持续20~30min,并伴瘙痒,示为阳性;一过性红斑为血管扩张引起,视结果为阴性。, http://www.100md.com(陈淑君 姜海燕 周珺)
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    参见:首页 > 医疗版 > 疾病专题 > 耳鼻喉科 > 耳疾病 > 中耳疾病 > 颅外并发症