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http://www.100md.com 2020年2月1日 《中国美容医学》 20203


    [中图分类号]R622 [文献标志码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2020)03-0042-03

    Abstract: Objective To explore the curative effect and patient satisfaction of correction of lower eyebrow incision for patients with upper eyelid skin relaxation. Methods Between January 2017 and April 2019, 70 patients with upper eyelid skin relaxation treated in our hospital were randomly divided into the observation group (35 cases) and the control group (35 cases). The control group was treated by conventional incision double eyelid plasty, while the observation group was treated by correction of incision on lower eyebrow. The postoperative correction effect, treatment satisfaction and incidence of surgical complications were compared between the two groups. Results The skin relaxation of upper eyelid was obviously corrected after operation. The effective improvement rate in the observation group was 71.43%, while that in the control group was 57.14%. However, there was no significant difference in the effective improvement rate between the two groups (χ2=1.556, P=0.212). Compared with the satisfaction of the two groups, the total satisfaction of the observation group was as high as 100.00%, significantly higher than that of the control group (82.86%, P=0.025). No infection or postoperative complications occurred in the two groups. Conclusion The operation method of lifting eyebrow and lower margin incision has a significant therapeutic effect on the upper eyelid skin relaxation of patients, and the satisfaction is high, and the infection rate and complication rate are low, which is worthy of application and promotion in cosmetic clinical medicine.

    Key words: lower eyebrow incision correction; upper eyelid skin relaxation; blepharoplasty; correction effect; treatment satisfaction; infection; complications

    双侧上睑皮肤松弛、外眼角下垂、上睑臃肿等是人类面部衰老特征,容易给人造成一种精神萎靡的印象[1-2]。其中上睑皮肤松弛较为常见,尤以眶周最为明显,松弛的原因较多,其中以年龄为主。一般来说,中老年人的眼睑皮肤相对年轻人来说,其弹性差,易造成眼睑皮肤松弛,有些情况较严重者,甚至会遮挡视野范围,严重影响工作与生活。对于因各种原因导致上睑皮肤松弛的患者,临床上大多都采用重睑切口以切除其上睑多余的轮匝肌、皮肤等[3-4],该手术矫正效果较为显著,但不同患者体质存在较大差异,有些患者术后易出现多种畸形、恢复慢、创伤大等情况。本研究选取眉下缘切口上睑皮肤松弛矫正术和常规切口重睑成形术对比修复上睑皮肤松弛,探究眉下缘切口矫正术对上睑皮肤松弛患者的疗效以及患者满意度。现将结果整理报道如下。, http://www.100md.com(董淑玉 程颖慧 宫玲玲)
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