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http://www.100md.com 2019年4月15日 《中国当代医药》 2019年第11期
     [摘要]目的 探讨品管圈在提高门诊二类精神药品使用合理率中的应用效果。方法 选取2017年4月门诊所有使用二类精神药品的患者(3004例,品管圈活动改善前)及2017年9月门诊所有使用二类精神药品的患者(2843例,品管圈活动改善后)作为研究对象。比较品管圈改善前后门诊二类精神药品使用合理率的变化情况,并评价品管圈活动效果。结果 品管圈改善后,门诊二类精神药品使用合理率由改善前的88.28%提高至改善后的97.96%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。品管圈活动改善后的和谐程度、积极性、责任感、沟通配合、愉悦感、团队凝聚力、解决问题能力、品管圈手法评分均显著高于改善前,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论 开展品管圈改善活动可有效提高门诊二类精神药品使用合理率,促进合理用药。


    [中图分类号] R954 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-4721(2019)4(b)-0197-03

    [Abstract] Objective To explore the application effect of quality control circle in improving the rational use rate of second psychotropic substances II in outpatients. Methods Patients who adopted psychotropic substances II (3004 cases, before the improvement of quality control circle activities) in April 2017 and patients who adopted psychotropic substances II in September 2017 (2843 cases, after the improvement of quality control circle activities) in the outpatients were selected as research objects. The changes in the rational use rate of psychotropic substances II in outpatients before and after the improvement of the quality control circle were compared and the effect of quality control circle activities was evaluated. Results After the improvement of the quality control circle, the rational use rate of the psychotropic substances II in the outpatient clinic increased from 88.28% before improvement to 97.96% after improvement, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.01). After the improvement of the quality control circle activities, the scores of harmony degree, enthusiasm, responsibility, communication, pleasure, team cohesiveness, problem-solving ability, and quality control circle were significantly higher than those before the improvement, and the differences were statistically significant (P<0.01). Conclusion The improvement of quality control circle activities can effectively improve the rational use rate of psychotropic substances II in outpatients and promote rational use of drugs.

    [Key words] Quality control circle; Outpatient pharmacy; Psychotropic substances II; Rational use rate

    品管圈(quality control circle)起始于1950年Deming教授的統计方法课程和1954年Juran教授的质量管理课程,后由石川专馨博士于1962年所创,国内多称之为质量管理小组。提倡以部门为单位,自发组成一个小群体,共同学习和运用品管方法,讨论、发现并解决工作中存在的问题,从而形成自动自发、自下而上、卓有成效的质量持续改善机制,现已越来越多的应用于医疗行业中[1-2]。

    二类精神药品是临床广泛使用的特殊管理药品,常用于镇静、催眠、抗焦虑等。随着生活节奏的加快,学习和工作压力的增加,焦虑、抑郁、失眠等人群越来越多,对二类精神药品的需求也越来越大。由于其潜在的依赖性、耐受性和后遗效应,如果不能规范临床合理使用,可因为药物滥用造成患者精神混乱和产生一些异常行为,除了会损伤滥用者的身体健康外,还会带来严重的社会问题[3-7]。为了响应原市卫计委《关于进一步加强医疗机构第二类精神药品管理的通知》,也为了进一步加强我院二类精神药品的管理,提高门诊二类精神药品使用合理率,我院门诊药房进一步开展了品管圈活动,并取得了显著效果,现报道如下。, http://www.100md.com(单小玉 蔡向明 孙晓宇)
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