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http://www.100md.com 2018年9月15日 《中外女性健康研究》 201818

    in different etiological subtypes was significantly different. It may be able to determine the severity of the disease by measuring the level of OPG and RANKL in the serum of the patients with cerebral infarction.

    [Key words]Large atherosclerotic cerebral infarction; Small artery occlusive cerebral infarction; NIHSS score

    据流行病学调查显示[1],我国急性脑梗死占全部脑卒中的70%左右,其中75%以上的患者因病致残,40%以上患者则会成为重度残疾,而脑梗死致死率则超过22%。目前,众多研究[2-3]认为OPG、RANK、RANKL三者共同构成一个系统或者信号通路 ......
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